Sunday, March 2, 2014

Being Ambitious Sometimes Pernicious?

The effect that many teen stars have on the young generations of America can be very shocking to people. Sometimes these effects can even cause teens to follow in their footsteps. One such example took place a couple months ago on September 12, 2013 in Bakersfield, California. According to Frances Hena, her daughter was caught twerking at a school dance. You may ask, what is the big deal about this? But, according to Mrs. Hena, she had specifically told her daughter, Jamie, not to twerk at the school dance. Jamie was then punished by her mother and had to hold a sign in public saying, "I was disrespecting my parents by twerking at my school dance." Mrs. Hena believes that Miley Cyrus's influence on our generation is very negative and that her daughter is only 11 and should not be doing things like this.

Apparently Jamie was peer pressured by her friends to perform the dance and disobey her mother's direct order not to twerk. Ambition is a key part of Jamie's act and according to, ambition is the desire to achieve popularity or a goal with the willingness to strive for it. In this example, Jamie wanted to fit in so badly that she decided to twerk despite the consequences. To many, peer pressure creates massive amounts of ambition for people trying to fit in. This is extremely relevant today with how some teens are so ambitious enough to fit in, that they will use drugs and alcohol to satisfy this need. One doesn't have to be an adult to see the consequences of ambition. It is extremely visible in our generation. Many times we hear about politicians or important people who become too ambitious and which causes their downfall. For example, Adolf Hitler was too ambitious and he invaded the Soviet Union which eventually resulted in his demise. Obviously a girl twerking at a dance is nothing compared to the things Hitler did, but the roots of their actions can be traced back to ambition. So, although I do not agree with her being punished for twerking, I believe that since she directly disobeyed her mother, her punishment was justifiable. I for one on the other hand, do believe that ambition can sometimes be very bad when it comes to peer pressure. But, unfortunately it is not a problem that can be fixed very easily.